Howard Shore "The Road to Mordor" lyrics

Translation to:enesitto

The Road to Mordor

No ring cam a hûn ah asgA no ring randir chaer o mbarÚ-genir i lû i caeda na nîfTa i pellen anor a firnen ithil.Vi gwae’ vorn elin firitharBo cae lanc hen sí caedatharTenn i vorchir gam în orthaOr aerath firnin a dôr tharn.

The Road to Mordor

Cold be hand and heart and boneAnd cold be travelers far from homeThey do not see what lies aheadWhen sun has failed and moon is dead.In the black wind the stars shall die,On this bare earth here let them lie,Till the dark lord lifts his handOver dead seas and withered land.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song The Road to Mordor by Howard Shore. Or The Road to Mordor poem lyrics. Howard Shore The Road to Mordor text in English. This page also contains a translation, and The Road to Mordor meaning.