Sam Smith "Good Thing" lyrics

Translation to:deelesitplsr

Good Thing

[Verse 1]I had a dream I was mugged outside your houseI had a dream in a panic you came running outFor a moment you were sure I'd die on youFor a moment I believed you loved me tooBut life is never like this, and you were never strong

[Chorus]Too much of a good thing won't be good for longAlthough you made my heart sing, to stay with you would be wrongToo much of a good thing won't be good anymoreWatch where I tread before I fall

[Verse 2]We talk maybe twenty times a dayAnd still I never say what I want to sayI thought I wouldn't need toI guess I read you wrong


[Bridge]You refuse to see this, don’t see it anymoreI have made a decision not to answer your callsCause I put everything out there and I got nothing at all

[Outro]Too much of a good thing isn't good and you knowI watch where I walk before I fallBefore I fall

Dobra stvar

Prvi stih:Sanjao sam da sam bio pokraden ispred tvoje kućeSanjao sam da si u panici istrčalaNa trenutak si bila ubeđena da sam umro na tvojim rukamaNa trenutak sam poverovao da i ti mene volišU životu nikad nije ovako i nikad nisi bila jaka

Refren:Kad je nešto predobro, neće dugo biti dobroMada činiš da moje srce peva, pogrešio bih ako bih ostao sa tobomPreviše dobrog neće više biti dobroPazim gde gazim pre nego li padnem

Drugi stih:Pričamo negde dvadeset puta na danI još uvek nikad nisam rekao ono što želimMislio sam da neće biti potrebeIzgleda da sam te pogrešno pročitao


Prelaz:Odbijaš da vidiš ovo, više ne vidišOdlučio sam da ti se ne javljam na telefonJer sve sam preneo tamo i ništa više nemam

[Outro]Kad je nešto predobro, to nije dobro i ti to znašPazim gde idem pre nego li padnemPre nego li padnem

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Good Thing by Sam Smith. Or Good Thing poem lyrics. Sam Smith Good Thing text.