Thompson "Ima nesto vrijednije od zlata" lyrics

Translation to:enru

Ima nesto vrijednije od zlata

Opet misli neke trgaju mi sanna srce mi noćas tiha slutnja palada me voliš reci bar jednom na dana ja ću reći, vjerujem ti mala

Nikad nećeš znati, koliko mi značikad si pored mene, zajedno smo jačisve je više tužnih bura i olujaa sve manje ljudi i slavuja

Ima nešto vrijednije od zlatato su tvoje ruke oko moga vrataima nešto što u tami blistato je naša ljubav, iskrena i čistaiskrena i čista

There's something more valuable than gold

Again the thoughts disturb my dreamOn my heart the omen has fallen tonighttell me at least once a day that you love meAnd I'll say, I believe you baby

You will never know, how much it means to meWhen you're by my side, together we're strongerThere are more and more sad winds and stormsand less and less people and nightingales

There's something more valuable than goldThose are your hands around my neckThere's something that sparkles in the darknessThat's our love, honest and pureHonest and pure

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ima nesto vrijednije od zlata by Thompson. Or Ima nesto vrijednije od zlata poem lyrics. Thompson Ima nesto vrijednije od zlata text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ima nesto vrijednije od zlata meaning.