Pagan Songs and Chants "The Earth Is Our Mother" lyrics

Translation to:deptruto

The Earth Is Our Mother

The Earth is our Mother, we must take care of herThe Earth in our Mother, we must take care of her

Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon,Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon YonHer sacred ground we walk upon, with every step we take

The Sky is our Father, we will take care of him

His sacred air we breathe in, with every breath we take.

A Terra É Nossa Mãe

A Terra é nossa Mãe, devemos tomar conta delaA Terra é nossa Mãe, devemos tomar conta dela

Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon,Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon,Andamos sobre seu solo sagrado, com cada passo dado

O Céu é nosso Pai, tomaremos conta dele

Consumimos seu ar sagrado, com cada fôlego tomado

Here one can find the lyrics of the song The Earth Is Our Mother by Pagan Songs and Chants. Or The Earth Is Our Mother poem lyrics. Pagan Songs and Chants The Earth Is Our Mother text.