Pagan Songs and Chants "Gatekeepers Three" lyrics

Translation to:deto

Gatekeepers Three

Bile, Lugh, ManannanBile, Lugh, ManannanBile, Lugh, Manannan

Open up the gatesLand, and sky, and sea

Tauhi A Toko Tolu

Paile,1Luhe,2mo Mananaane3Paile, Luhe, mo MananaanePaile, Luhe, mo Mananaane

Mou faka'ava 'a e aaFonua, mo langi, mo tahi.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Gatekeepers Three by Pagan Songs and Chants. Or Gatekeepers Three poem lyrics. Pagan Songs and Chants Gatekeepers Three text.