Hossam Habib "Hansah (هنساه)" lyrics

Translation to:en

Hansah (هنساه)

ده عدي عليا وقت كتير و انا مستني ترجعلي خلاص مليت من التفكير و قلبي عليك بيوجعني.و لو مش راجع ايه خلاه من الاول هنا يجيني ما كان يفضل مكانه و انا كفيل بعده ينسيني،هنساه لو حياتي معاه و عمره في يوم ما يوحشني هنساه لو حياتي معاه و عمره في يوم ما هيشوفني.في عز ما سبت روحي معاه و عيشت في حلم يجمعنا و هو اتاريه لا فارقه معاه ده كان واحد بيخدعنا .فاجاه لقيته سابني و راح و قالي خلاص كده كفايه.ما تبعد عني و انا هرتاح ملكش مكان هنا معايا.هنساه لو حياتي معاه و عمره في يوم ما يوحشني هنساه لو حياتي معاه و عمره في يوم ما هيشوفني.

I will forget her

A lot of time has passed while I waited for you to come back, I got tired of thinking and my heart aches for you.If she is not coming back why would she cross paths with me in the first place, she should have stayed away and the distance would be enough to make me forget.I will forget her even If my life depends on her, I will never miss her, I will forget her even if my life depends on her and she shall never see me again.My soul was hers for the taking as I lived a dream of us together, in the end It meant nothing to her, she was just a player.Suddenly she just left saying that she has had enough.Just go away, I will be okay, you are not welcomed here by my side.I will forget her even if my life depends on her, I will never miss her, I will forget her even if my life depends on her and she shall never see me again.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Hansah (هنساه) by Hossam Habib. Or Hansah (هنساه) poem lyrics. Hossam Habib Hansah (هنساه) text in English. Also can be known by title Hansah هنساه (Hossam Habib) text. This page also contains a translation, and Hansah هنساه meaning.