Lhasa De Sela "Love Came Here" lyrics

Translation to:ro

Love Came Here

There is no end to this storyNo final tragedy or gloryLove came here and never left

Now that my heart is openIt can't be closed or brokenLove came here and never left

Now I’ll have to live with loving you foreverAlthough our days of living life togetherOf living life together are over

There's nothing here to throw awayI came to you in light of dayAnd love came here and never left.

Iubirea a venit aici

Aceasta poveste nu are sfirsit,Nu are un tragic final sau glorie,Iubirea a venit aici si nu a mai plecat.

Acum ca inima-mi e deschisa,Nu poate fi inchisa sau frinta,Iubirea a venit aici si nu a mai plecat.

Acum trebuie sa ma conformez cu faptul ca te voi iubi vesnic,Desi timpul nostru de a petrece viata impreuna,De a petrece viata impreuna, s-a terminat.

Nu e nimic aici de aruncat la gunoi,Am venit in calea ta in lumina zilei,Si iubirea a venit aici si nu a mai plecat.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Love Came Here by Lhasa De Sela. Or Love Came Here poem lyrics. Lhasa De Sela Love Came Here text.