Mahsun Kırmızıgül "Göçmen Kızı" lyrics

Translation to:en

Göçmen Kızı

Ben bir gocmen kizi gordum tuna boyundaelinde bir deste gul var hasret koynunda 2soyle soyle gocmen kizi annen varmidirne annem var ne babam var kalmisim oksuz 2

sen bir oksuz ben bir garip alayim senialayimda gurbet elde sarayim seni 2

telgrafin tellerinden haber varmıdırne haber var ne mektup var kalmisim öksüz 2dogru söyle göcmen kizi haber yokmudurne gelen var ne giden var kalmisim öksüz 2

The Migrant Girl

I saw a migrant girl along Tuna (River)There is a rose bouquet in her hands, the yearning is in her bosomTell me tell me the migrant girl, do you have mother?Neither mother nor father I have, I'm orphaned

You are an orphan I am a poor, I shall take you (marry you)I shall take and surround you abroad

Are there any news from the wires of telegraph?There is neither news nor a letter, I 'm orphanedTell me the truth the migrant girl, is there no news?There is neither someone coming nor going, I'm orphaned

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Göçmen Kızı by Mahsun Kırmızıgül. Or Göçmen Kızı poem lyrics. Mahsun Kırmızıgül Göçmen Kızı text in English. Also can be known by title Gocmen Kizi (Mahsun Kirmizigul) text. This page also contains a translation, and Gocmen Kizi meaning.