Demet Akalın "Hürmetler" lyrics

Translation to:en


burda rahat mısınsevgili taklidim.beni yaşatırken, mutlu musun

yanımdaki benim, temsili katilimseni vurmayacak mı sanıyorsun?

ben de geçtim o yollardan, o yıllardano kollardanokuyorsun ama, öğrenemiyorsunaşkı okullarda

senin gibi neler gördü bu dünyane sultanlar ne hürremler

ben son sözümü demedim dahaahı tutanlara hürmetler


Are you comfortable here?I imitated the loveWhen I live, are you happy?

By my side, my representationDo you think he won't hit you?

I passed those roads, those yearsthose armsYou're reading but, you can't learnlove at school

Like you, what did this earth seewhat Sultans, what Hürrems*

I didn't say the last word anymoreAh, respect to the holders

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Hürmetler by Demet Akalın. Or Hürmetler poem lyrics. Demet Akalın Hürmetler text in English. Also can be known by title Hurmetler (Demet Akalin) text. This page also contains a translation, and Hurmetler meaning.