Frank Sinatra "Why Shouldn't I?" lyrics

Translation to:hr

Why Shouldn't I?

Why shouldn't I take a chance when romance passes by?Why shouldn't I know of love?Why wait around when each age has a sage who has sungThat upon this earth love is all that is really worth thinking of?

It must be fun, lots of funTo be sure when day is doneThat the hour is coming when you'll be kissedAnd then you'll be kissed again

All debutantes say it's goodAnd every star out in far HollywoodSeems to give it a trySo why shouldn't I?

All debutantes say it's goodAnd every star out in far HollywoodSeems to give it a trySo why shouldn't I?

Zašto ne bih ja?

Zašto ne bih ja iskoristio priliku kad romansa naiđe?Zašto ne bih ja upoznao ljubav?Zašto čekati okolo kad svaka godina ima mudrost koja je pjevalaDa na ovoj zemlji ljubav je sve o čemu je uopće vrijedno misliti?

Mora da je zabavno, jako zabavnoBiti siguran kad je dan gotovDa dolazi čas kad ćeš biti poljubljenI onda ćeš biti poljubljen iznova.

Sve debitantice kažu da je to dobroI svaka zvijezda tamo daleko u HollywooduČini se da se oproba u tomeZato zašto ne bih ja?

Sve debitantice kažu da je to dobroI svaka zvijezda tamo daleko u HollywooduČini se da se oproba u tomeZato zašto ne bih ja?

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Why Shouldn't I? by Frank Sinatra. Or Why Shouldn't I? poem lyrics. Frank Sinatra Why Shouldn't I? text. Also can be known by title Why Shouldnt I (Frank Sinatra) text.