Eminem "The Re-Up" lyrics

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The Re-Up

[Intro - Eminem]*Beatboxing* Yeah, we should do something like that

[Hook - 50 Cent]Boom boom chuck, boom b-boom chuck!Boom boom chuck, Yeah, that's what's up!Boom boom chuck, boom b-boom chuck!Boom boom chuck, b-boom, Shady!

[Verse 1 - Eminem]There's never been this, much of a menace in this game as thisAnd it's the, most sinister duo in the businessOnce again its the, illest and realest killasThe most villainous, Dre protege, Shady apprenticeDrop them zeros and get with these heroesDo you want losers or winners, this music is in us, and it'sNot over till we say it's finished and G-Unit spinnersWill keep spinnin', this is Hip Hop when it's in it'sTruest form, the greatest, Hate us or love usMake voodoo dolls of us and keep sticking them pins in usThick as his skin is or as short as his wick isThe trick is to be able to walk big as his dick isAnd as sick as his music is, or was, still isWhatever, forever, he will be the illestTo ever sh-shock the world, what to do nextHe's already reconciled with his {ex}, a chainsaw and an axeJump up at your desk, strangle a neckWhile we have sex, while Bill Clinton plays the saxI sprays the facts, yeah, bring Shady on backThe maniac of rap, devil baby on crackResurrect, I never left, baby, I'm badI've gone mad, my comrade Dre-zie automaticallySays I'm too broke to fix, way beyond thatI may be off drugs, but it's made me off trackIn fact, this right here very well could be the last rapI ever do spit, I'll never do shit, that's thatFuck it, I quit, suck on a dick, jackassI'm done with this whack ass rap, kiss my black ass!

[Verse 2 - 50 Cent]Nah, Em, tell them to kiss my black ass, the clean parts, the shitty partsMy bullet wounds, my beauty marks, the Fif'll tear you're ass apartA game in this game, crush a motherfuckers from the startShady paid me, Shady crazy, Fifty crazy rich, bitchDifferent day, nothing change, it's the same shit, trickTeflon wrapped on, case I get clapped onD's searching the whip, glad I left the mac homeStill grinding, still shining, nigga lord knowsYou rocking with the kid to spit sicker sick flowsI carried Game's style for nine months and gave birth to itNow I'm feeling like a proud father watching him do itEveryday Dre day, front and cause a meleeTurn the town upside down with a frown upside downI smile through something fowl, and watch my money pileI'm fucking with straight stacks, I'm kicking you stripped factsI hit you with it, bag it, pump it, bring me mines right back!

[Hook - 50 Cent (Eminem)]Boom boom chuck, boom b-boom chuck!Boom boom chuck, Go 'head front, get fucked up!Boom boom chuck, boom b-boom chuck!Boom boom chuck, Yeah, that's what's up!Now boom boom chuck, boom b-boom chuck!Boom boom chuck, I hit your ass up!Boom boom chuck, boom b-boom chuck!Boom boom chuck, Yeah, that's what's up! (Yeah!)Boom boom chuck, boom b-boom chuck!Boom boom chuck, (It's the Re-Up!)Shady, Shady


(Intro - Eminem)*Beatboxing* Da, trebali bi napraviti nešto takvo

(Refren - 50 Cent)Bum bum čak, bum bi bum čak!Bum bum čak, o da, to je!Bum bum čak, bum bi bum čak!Bum bum čak, bi bum, Shady*!

(Prva kitica - Eminem)U ovoj igri nikad dosad nije postojala ovakva prijetnjaI to je najzlokobniji dvojac u posluJoš jednom, najbolesniji i najopakiji ubojiceNajveći zlikovci, Dreov* štićenik i Shadyjev šegrtOstavite jadnike i pridružite se ovim junacimaŽelite li gubitnike ili pobjednike, glazba je u nama, iNije gotovo dok mi to ne kažemo i G-Unitove* pločeNastavit će se vrtjeti, ovo je hip-hop u svomNajstvarnijem obliku, najbolji smo, mrzite nas ili obožavajteNapravite naše voodoo lutke i bodite ih pribadačamaČvrst kao i njegova koža i kratak kao i njegov fitiljTrik je da hoda uzdignute glave kao i njegov kuracI bolestan kao i njegova glazba, ili ono što je bila, i dalje jeU svakom slučaju, vječno će biti najopakijiVeć se pomirio sa svojom bivšom*, motornom pilom i sjekiromSkače ti na stol, davi teDok se mi seksamo, a Bill Clinton* svira saksofonIznosim činjenice,o da, nek se Shady vratiManijak rap glazbe, đavolje dijete na crackuUskrsnuo, nikad nisam otišao, opak sam, malaPoludio sam, moj drug Dre-zie automatskiKaže da sam previše slomljen da se popravim, puno više od togaMožda sam se skinuo s droge, ali to me izbacilo iz tračnicaUstvari, ovo bi mi stvarno moglabiti zadnja rap pjesmaVječno ću bacati rime, nikad neću raditi sranja, to je toJebo to, prestajem, napuši se kurca, debiluGotov sam s ovom posranom pjesmom, poljubite mi crnu guzicu!

(Druga kitica - 50 Cent)Ne, Em, reci im da poljube moju crnu guzicu, čiste dijelove, zasrane dijeloveMoje rane od metaka, moje madeže, Fif će vam svima isprašiti turIgra u igri, rušim kretene od početkaShady me platio, Shady je lud, Fifty je ludo bogat, pičkoDrugi dan, ništa se nije promijenilo, ista je stvar, jadničeNosim pancirku u slučaju da spušim metakMurija pretražuje kola, drago mi je da sam ostavio pucu domaI dalje sam glavni, i dalje sijam, stari, Bog znaDa se igraš s likom koji baca najžešće rimeNosio sam Gameov* stil devet mjeseci i rodio gaSad se osjećam kao ponosni otac dok ga gledam kako to radiSvaki dan je Dreov dan, pravi se važan i izazovi tučnjavuIzokrenuo sam ovaj grad naopačke zajedno s mrštenjemSmiješim se i gledam kako mi se novac gomilaIgram s pravim uozima, iznosim ti gole činjeniceUdaram te s njima, puni, trpaj, pa mi ih vrati!

(Refren - 50 Cent (Eminem))Bum bum čak, bum bi bum čak!Bum bum čak, hajde, pravi se važan i najebi!Bum bum čak, bum bi bum čak!Bum bum čak, o da, to je!Bum bum čak, bum bi bum čak!Bum bum čak, isprašim ti tur!Bum bum čak, bum bi bum čak!Bum bum čak, o da, to je! (O da!)Bum bum čak, bum bi bum čak!Bum bum čak, (To je Obnova!)Shady, Shady

Here one can find the lyrics of the song The Re-Up by Eminem. Or The Re-Up poem lyrics. Eminem The Re-Up text.