Kazem Al-Saher "Mennu ent" lyrics

Translation to:en

Mennu ent

من انت وتسرح في قلبي .. وبين عيوني ليل ونهارمنو انت وشاغل تفكيري ..وشاعل بين ضلوعي النار

يمكن انت اللي تسعدني .. ويمكن انت اللي تهنينيويمكن انت اللي تظلمني .. اللي تعذبني اللي تبكيني

يا ويلي ويلي يا ويلييا طول ليلي ويا ويلي

منو انت ؟!ابعد نظراتك عن عيني .. صرت أخجل من ضعفي أمامكلا يا عمري تعال احضني .. دوخني وجنني وراك

أتمنى أدخل داخل قلبك .. واعرف كيف يفكر بياليت يحبني مثل ما احبه .. يا اقرب من روحي عليا

who are you?

who are you walking freely in my heart... in my eyes night and daywho are you, you took my mind... and you lightened a fire between my ribs (fire of love)

maybe it's you who make me happy.. and maybe it's you who gratulate meand maybe it's you who injures me.. who torture me.. who aggrieve me

woe unto me ..how long is my night.. woe unto me

who are youmove your eyes aside your looks from my eyes.. i became shame of my weakness infront of youno my life..come and hug me.. make me dizzy.. made me crazy looking for you

i wish i go inside your heart and know how does it think of mei wish it loves me as i love it... oh you are the one who is closer to me more than my soul

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Mennu ent by Kazem Al-Saher. Or Mennu ent poem lyrics. Kazem Al-Saher Mennu ent text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Mennu ent meaning.