Pearl Jam "I am mine" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:bselesfafrsrtrzh

I am mine

The selfish, they're all standing in lineFaithing and hoping to buy themselves timeMe, I figure as each breath goes byI only own my mind

The North is to South what the clock is to timeThere's east and there's west and there's everywhere lifeI know I was born and I know that I'll dieThe in between is mineI am mine

And the feeling, it gets left behindAll the innocence lost at one timeSignificant, behind the eyesThere's no need to hide...We're safe tonight

The ocean is full 'cause everyone's cryingThe full moon is looking for friends at high tideThe sorrow grows bigger when the sorrow's deniedI only know my mindI am mine

And the meaning, it gets left behindAll the innocents lost at one timeSignificant, behind the eyesThere's no need to hide...We're safe tonight

And the feelings that get left behindAll the innocents broken with liesSignificance, between the lines(We may need to hide)

And the meanings that get left behindAll the innocents lost at one timeWe're all different behind the eyesThere's no need to hide

Ja sam svoj

Oni sebični, svi stoje u redu.Vjerujući i nadajući se da će dobiti na vremenu.Što se mene tiče, ja računam da sa svakim dahomsamo svojim umom vladam.

Sjever je jugu ono što je časovnik vremenu.Postoji istok i postoji zapad i svuda je život.Ja znam da sam rođen i znam da umrijeću.Moje je ono između.Ja sam svoj.

A taj osjećaj, on ostaje po strani.Sva nevinost odjednom izgubljena.Značajno, u dubini duše.Nema potrebe za skrivanjem.Večeras smo na bezbjednom.

Okean je pun jer svi plaču.Pun mjesec traži društvo za plimu.Tuga postaje veća kad se poriče.Ja samo svoj um znam.Ja sam svoj.

A značenje, ono ostaje po strani.Svi nevini odjednom izgubljeni.Značajno, u dubini duše.Nema potrebe za skrivanjem.Večeras smo na bezbjednom.

A ta osećanja koja su ostala po strani.Svi nevini slomljeni lažima.Značaj, između redova.(Možda ćemo se morati sakriti).

A sav smisao koji je ostao po strani.Svi nevini odjednom izgubljeni.Svi smo mi u duši različiti.Nema potrebe da se skrivamo.

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes I am mine Song von Pearl Jam. Oder der Gedichttext I am mine. Pearl Jam I am mine Text.