Coldplay "For you" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:eleshritrosrtr

For you

If you're lost and feel aloneCircumnavigate the globeAll you ever have to hope for too

And the way you seem to flowCircumnavigate in hopeAnd they seem to lose control with you

Every one of us is hurtAnd every one of us is scarredEvery one of us is scaredNot you

When your eyes closeYour head hurtsYour eyes feel stoned

Every one of us is scaredEvery one of us is hurtEvery one of us has hope

For you...

Pentru tine

Daca esti pierdut si te simti singurDescopera lumeaSi tot ce ai sperat pana acum

Si felul in care obisnuiai sa mergiDescopera lumea in paceSie se pare ca isi pierd controlul fara tine

Oricare e ranitSi oricare e speriatOricare e speriatDat tu nu

Cand ochi tai sunt inchisiTe doare capulTi se simt ochi ca piatra

Si oricare e speriatOricare e ranitOricare are speranta

Pentru tine...

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